I attended Social Media Marketing World last week in San Diego and learned a ton of great things. Here are my notes:
Monday 4/8/13
Icebreaker questions to help with networking:
- What are you passionate about?W
- What is your top bucket list?
- What is a great accomplishment you are proud of?
Larry Benet's other great points:
- What can you do to help others?
Quality of your relationships is important. Relationships are key. Value is key. What can you do to help people?
How can I help you? What is the most important project you're working on if I or my network can help you?
Follow up with people after an event is key.
Creating magic moments for other people. Be present. Birthdays, special days, etc.
Be a true friend and have their back. Create connection currency.
The girlfriend life Facebook fan page. Lots of shareable posting and affiliate links.
Guy Kawasaki talk:
- Alltop to curate links
- Jumpcut is a multiple level clipboard. Nice tool so you don't have to jump back and back through pages.
- Holy Kaw great place for curating content
- Smart brief share good content
- Feed me tool. Good for getting content. Take your alltop feed (adding /rss to end of your link) and put into Feed Me
- Buffer: create a buffer of stories for Twitter. Set up schedules. LinkedIn or Twitter. Extremely useful tool. Has a chrome extension
- Doshare chrome plugin to post into google+
- Nuke comments on Google+ chrome extension
- Replies and more extension for chrome extension for g+
- Life hacker.com good place for content
Kyle Lacy talk:
Slideshare.com/exacttarget get the slides for the 2:-5 Monday session
Wearesocial from the UK. Small highly engaged communities is key
@Nichole_Kelly talk:
Luckyorange tool. $20 a month. Allows you to have a better tool for tracking what people are doing in your site
Tuesday morning session at social Media marketing world
Chris Brogan talk:
- Have a separate landing page that is warm for each social media page. On Twitter, send people to a special twitter web page.
- Set up a newsletter list.
- Check Chris' site to see how he does signing up for a newsletter.
- Podcasting is really good to do.
- Cspenn on twitter. Follow him.
--Look into Chris' book on bravery
--Sign up for his newsletter
--Community Building for Big Brands
10:45 session
Susan from Sharpie: on Instagram, tumblr, Facebook, twitter. Evaluating snap chat and Path (for teens)
Revenue is a serving factor in building community.
Biggest ROI in using social is in humanizing your brand.
Find your 10% and you can turn your like to live. Ten percent of people out there will help your brand by being in love with your brand.
Sharpie is starting to look into what revenue is being brought in by social and why social is providing value.
Best tip on time management for building community is to focus. Do A/B testing and focus. @ekaterina
@sharpie has a content strategy. Build that calendar out with your internal themes. Use something sime: Google docs. Need to have images as well not just words. Build out a month in advance.
What is the one thing you know now that you wish you new?
Sharpie: started talked product but now shines a light on their fans on how they use social
@kittykatsmith from the beginning, make sure you have executive sign off on using social
Page lover: Analytics tool for Facebook
How to transform organizational culture with social media
11:45am Tuesday Session
Things that derail social:
Budget and resources
Technology (is IT threatened by this)
Culture and leadership
For the Four Seasons, each hotel has a PR director and social media falls under that person. Kerri Holden @fsaustin
Four seasons invested time in training with 100 plus tutorials on a site for all the PR directors. There is also one on one training. There is also a monthly call and the PR directors share best practices.
Twitter session @markwschaefer
- Learn how to increase small interactions with people overtime
- The number of people following a brand has doubled in the last two years
- Twitter is the most powerful way to find targeted information
- Social media mindset:
- Meaningful content
- Targeted connections
- Authentic helpfulness
- Content must ignite. You have to find targeted connections.
- Need to have a content strategy
- Also need to have a network strategy: need to find people to help you (RT, etc.)
- Help people and they will connect with you.
Go Steelers tweet:
He heard from Michelle, she asked for help with her blog, he got her a video camera, she made video for him, she got job in France, sent work to Mark, he passed on to others, she passed him other work, he networked with French blogger who he helped and provided content for his blog. He eventually met Michelle in France with his wife and they had built a great history of networking over years all from a "Go Steelers!" tweet. This is the Tao of Twitter.
Think about the qualitative benefits of twitter not just quantitative.
The Tao of Twitter by @markwschaefer
[email protected]
How to Implement and Optimize Your Social Strategy
Neal Schaffer
Businesses need a framework for social:
Measure able
This all needs to be in a written document.
Deming Circle (based off of dr. Demi g)
This can be related to social media.
Social strategy Plan:
What is your objective? ROI tracking. Examples: increase sales: customer retention, brand Awareness. decrease expenses: recruitment for new staff.
Customer -Target (detailed demographics). Understand what your customers want from you. Sneak peek? Coupons? What?
Share- content (what are you sharing?)
Who -employee or outsource.
Brand- branding guidelines including voice
On boarding- how? Phases and how to roll platforms out. Also includes training on how to use social for internal staff.
Social medi policy
Social media guidelines
Internal communication
Step by step
He has a slide with a link to a free social media planning calendar.
Create a daily workflow:
These should all be well defined to help you with the day to day.
Social is part science and part art.
Integrate social everywhere:
Online ads
Email marketing
Print/ radio/tv
Nealschaffer@gmail. Com
Closing keynote:
Why it pays to be like able
[email protected]
Is Social Media Harmful During a National Crisis?
After a long day in which police went door to door searching homes for Dzhokar Tsarnaev, I listened to officials in the Boston area tell the public that they were opening the subway, roads and allowing people back out on the street. Minutes later I watched in horror as shots rang out in Watertown and the hunt for Dzhokar Tsarnaev continued. On my TV, I watched as helpless news anchors talked about what they knew, realizing that none of them had the power of Twitter at their disposal.
News Truly Is at the Speed of Light
With my laptop on, I started searching on Twitter and within minutes I saw reports from people in Watertown filling up my tweet stream. Were these reports true or false? It was tough to say, but I think I knew about 15-20 minutes before national news that Dzhokar Tsarnaev was holed up in a boat on Franklin Street:
With the internet, people started using Google maps to post satellite pictures of the house and the boat in the backyard. Gone are the days in which onsite reporting of the type we had last night matters. Anderson Cooper might as well have been in Europe because the news on CNN was out of date to what was happening in real time on the web. CNN and NBC desperately tried to get confirmation from officials that the suspect had been found but they lagged woefully behind what everyone already knew on Twitter.
Granted I had not confirmation that the tweets that I were seeing were true, but I started seeing reports about flash bangs going off and a good while later the TV anchors talked about the same thing. I also knew about the thermal imaging from the helicopter and how it was used to find the suspect and saw that many of the tweets were coming directly from what people were hearing via the online police scanners. Much of the tweets I saw were right on the money, but I had to ask myself: Was this good?
What About People's Safety?
I wasn't the only person worried about what was taking place in Watertown and how people on Twitter were communicating that to the rest of the world. @gwynnek made a good point: People were tweeting what they heard from police scanners and there was no way to tell how giving that information out might aid the suspect or those who might have been working with him:
What unfolded quickly on Twitter amazed me as I watched the hunt and capture of one of the Boston Marathon suspects take place on live television. But that's where the darker side of social media crept in. In order to spread the news, be the first one "in the know," people continued to tweet direct quotes from local police scanners and it soon became apparent that hundreds of thousands of people were listening to the online scanners:
And no matter how many times local TV stations urged the public to not report what was being broadcast on the police scanners, people tweeted more and more of what they heard.
I'll ask it again: Was that a good thing? Did being cool and sharing out what the police were saying on the radio do more harm than good? I can only imagine what police, the FBI and Homeland Security must think about this latest fad with the public wanting to participate in the real time chase and capture of a suspect. What we know is very little: It is alleged that two brothers worked together and set off the bombs at the Boston Marathon, but there are many questions still unanswered. Did the brothers have help? Could other sleeper cells be listening in to the news and twitter chatter last night to learn from the event?
We Are Helping Our Enemies
I love social media, I truly do. I've been on Twitter since April 2008 and have seen many wonderful uses of Twitter, but I have to say that last night was a much darker side. Anyone who wishes to harm our country simply needs to listen in on last night's chatter and learn about the online police scanners, learn of the position of the police from the public and could have easily mislead the public by spreading false rumors through social channels. The genie is out of the bottle. I get that. I know that there is no turning back and I also understand that many using Twitter do not have the maturity to understand the power of the tool that they are using and how they could be assisting criminals.
We live in a world in which we are the judge and jury all at the same time. We can participate in a live event and spread our thoughts out to the world while it's unfolding. I saw many tweets similar to the one below in which angry people wanted the suspect's head. But we don't know all the facts, many people were wounded and people lost their lives. We're angry, we want revenge, but we also need to take a step back--unless we want to go back to the era of the Roman Colosseum. Does anyone wonder why the Hunger Games was so popular? Truly we're not too far from those books.
Whose Fault Is it?
I remember watching the OJ Simpson chase and how my friends and I were all glued to the TV. Now it's a totally different world. With Twitter, we can be snarky, a jokester, spread the word and make other comments all in real time with anyone in the world. Maybe it's already happening, but I'm waiting for the next crisis to have the suspect tweeting back to the world.
I believe that tweeting out police scanner information during a crisis in which people's lives are at stake is flat out wrong. I'd suggest that the online scanners be taken down during such an emergency. Flip that switch off. We don't truly know how we might be aiding criminals by sharing out information or helping our overseas enemies plan their next attack on us. In the end, as with many things in life, it comes down to personal responsibility. Each person needs to take responsibility for his or her own actions. And unfortunately, from people's behaviors on Twitter last night, we're in for one hell of a bumpy ride.